"To you I'm just a man, to me you're all I am" | Symphony Product Update 09/29/23

"To you I'm just a man, to me you're all I am" | Symphony Product Update 09/29/23


Well.. We finally know.. We finally know what it's like to stare deeply into one another's eyes uninterrupted by the RGB monitor that was unconsciously standing in our way. Chris & I(Kyle), two of the three founders of Symphony finally met up, and it was magic. Laughs, tears, and stories were created. Also, Chris smells great, not a dig or assumption to what I thought - I was just pleasantly surprised.

We can't thank you all enough for the support, you have no idea how much something as small as genuine interest goes. So like share and smash that subscribe button.

From a "ok but what did you actually get done this week" we've:

Made the site look a whole heck of a lot better on mobile because it turns out most of ya'll find us from a cellular device. Which one of ya'll is using DuckDuckGo and who hurt you?

In the background I'm working on what we're calling "Bundles"(working title) to see what investments in genres, eras, locations, and award winners would look like. This is core to our business. Check it out and as a wise once man once said "The first draft of everything is shit"


In other news we've made it to the finals for Bend VC backed by Portland Seed Fund. We'll be pitching at the Tower Theatre in Bend, Oregon on Oct. 22nd. Check out the interview here

