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"Unwind with me a minute" | Symphony Product Update 12/01/23

"Unwind with me a minute" | Symphony Product Update 12/01/23

In the beginning there was data

Look, I get it. You saw the Matrix, and decided programming was never going to be for you.. Hear me out, what if you could peer into the depths of what's humanly possible.. Ok - That's extreme, but I love it.

One of the largest problems I've had while building Symphony is data normalization and aggregation.. There's a bajillion sources to pull from and no unified naming schema.

I'm excited to introduce the Symphony API - query any artist, get their info, in aggregate, from everywhere(working on that).


API Demo Video

Don't be afraid to stretch and play arouuund and find out. Think about what you could build and how you can analyze future and upcoming artists with this kind of data.

Let me know what you think 😸


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