"And it's not over till the fat woman sing hella high" Symphony Product Update Sept. 15th

"And it's not over till the fat woman sing hella high" Symphony Product Update Sept. 15th


"Invest in what you know, and nothing more" paraphrased from the Oracle of Omaha himself.. is the single greatest piece of investment advice that can fit on a business card.

Today on Symphony you can go to your account and see what your returns would look like if you had invested in your top 10 artists on Spotify. Login and sync your Spotify today to see what your returns for the past three months would be.

Here's mine:

I'm not going to lie we only have 25 credits approved for Spotify's API so get in NOW if you want to try it. Don't worry we're pending approval for more but I want to launch and iterate as quickly as possible.

As always, stay classy and insult my design skills while offering any and all feedback.

Song from title